Wednesday, January 05, 2005

dumb people

GAwd the Worlds I over. I don't think i need any more drama.

Working with people can be so draining.

Lesson for Directors/upper management etc

1. If upper Management is screwed the rest are in for hell. (guess who gets the blame)
2. Don't panic if things don't go your way or plans change
3. Don't call people useless if all you do is just spew negativity and offer 0 solutions
4. Don't push your responsibilities to someone else or at least if that person screws up its your fault case you didn't show any planning or direction either.
5. Don't treat workers like slaves. RESPECT goes a long way

Right people didn't piss on me or anything like that but its still not right the way management works.This coming from a person who says she doesn't want to work for dumb wankers.

OK OK i am full of negativity now.Stress is not my favourite word. HAPPY NEw Year and Merry Christmas.

New year spent serving drinks so yea i made a lot of people happy :)

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