Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Living in Happy Mansion and spacing home

I am grateful for the little incidences living in the entire space in Happy Mansion that makes beautiful stories. 
- The clicking of mahjong every Friday on the 3rd floor and the old uncles with their leash little Paris Hilton dogs which is such a contrast from the expected. One of the little furry chin hua hua is name "Mah Lau Quai" (Monkey Ghost).
- There is a beautiful lady whom always shout. We hardly chat when I first moved in. I wasn't happy and so was she. She lives under the stairwell with her teenage son and 4 year old child. She is a lot happier now cause she is working in the Thai restaurant and has a whole kitchen crew taking turns playing with her son. While I play with the child's kitten when I see it coming back from work. In the mornings heading to work I have 2 other kittens in the uncle and aunty's office to say good morning to.
- As I climb up the steps with a container of lunch from the economy rice shop just a minute walk away, I see aunty chasing uncle laughing. I thought to myself "so cute, old d can playing catching some more"....turns out they were chasing the kitten. I still have the scene of aunty chasing uncle entrenched in my memory. It was a beautiful sunny day and they both have smiles that reminded me of children.
3. The room I rent comes with a balcony by the living room. The previous tenant apparently use to have barbeque sessions with a makeshift grill and planted jasmine and another white sweet smelling plant which the tenant left. I love these plants that are remnants of happiness and inspired me to compost and grow seedlings (so far Indian borage, ulam rajah, groundnuts (with harvest) and little hill rice seedlings which didn't make it through the hacking in the garden outside the house.
This balcony has host many solidarity moments to hear ones banter in the mind, as well as many meetings of different minds.Thanks for the lively balcony moments everyone.

1.The internet is a bulging load of information, I am grateful for online learning, the ease of communication and search engines. While I have sweet memories of pre-Internet era of writing letters and reading in libraries, I must say that having information at the finger tips far outweigh the business of being online. I just have to try very hard to have a Internet "blackout".
2. I am grateful for facebook even with the ethical issues surrounding facebook, Because of facebook I am aware of Bersih and Lawyers for Liberty which gave me the guts to attend the Bersih 2.0 rally. Also the excitement and frustration mounting, looking at facebook pictures of the first Bersih rally. I was in the States then.
3. I am grateful for the Bersih movement. I grew up with my dad always saying that we have relatives in Singapore and Australia, don't worry. Living in Malaysia and feeling frustrated with all the coffee talk about how corrupted politicians and businessmen are always ends with "Ape boleh buat" quipped by my cynical follow on of "Malaysia boleh mah" Bersih cleaned up the hopeless oppression of status quo and fear of being arrested.

1. Techie gratefulness - I am grateful for inheriting this iPhone which means having a camera, voice recorder,and access to wifi on hand. The calender gets me organize so I can keep track of dates. The alarm is a bonus when I need a snooze.
2. Living gratefulness - There are no natural disasters and a range of culinary delights that could keep me entertain forever in Malaysia.Because I am so grateful for living on land that is abundant, I will always go to protest and rally against corruption, injustice and powers that rape the land. The current political landscape needs to change for the better.
3. Family - I am grateful to be born in a family where my dad stayed home to look after us and my mother is the breadwinner. Hence shaping me to be an individual that is aware that both men and women face discrimination and all thing unjust. Easier if we see everyone as living brings..

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