Friday, June 24, 2011

BERSIH - speak up

No true artist can live in a cacoon of an isolated inner world
for we are all have a need to create
and that is why we choose to exhibit.

Art is admired for its techniques, its expression, it's ideas. 
One night out with an artist she told me in the end it is the idea that counts. 

Working in the Art Gallery, there is a hunger to consume new ideas.

As artist be your medium paint, music, writing, the computer, film ...whatever it is,
we got to voice out.Under normal circumstances I'm not bothered by politics. I know some of you aren't Malaysians but repression is everwhere. I'm not asking you to start a revolution, just maybe come out once in a while and participate. 

Time to Voice out and may your voice be heard too. 

BERSIH - speak up

A voice that speaks louder
when all speak at the same time
Asking for a clean vote
Whats the big deal

Is there a fear and insecurity 
That they aren't going to win?
Well I thought the goverment
is supporting the people?
Or are we supporting them?

There is nothing
to be afraid of
if they are
where they are
When the people
"rakyat" has spoken

For too long
I have been a child
Listening to the fears and threats
Weeping as home is not HOME

We will go overseas to study/work
thinking that it is a greener life
and it is but you know your roots
Are here despite all the prejudices

You know what,
bring your teh tarik talk
to the Bersih roadshow and rally
We can all complain about the injustice
Only instead of sitting on our butts
We can walk and talk
Ok bring your mug of teh

BTW the whole
repeatition of
armageddon proportions 
May 13 is wearing thin. 
All these slurs 
Just shows fear
I wonder why
They are so worried

You can sweat it out,
Little technie that you are
All small bytes count 
Voice your disssatisfaction 
Spread the BERSIH around
Not like a virus
More like an anti-virus

Dance if you like to dance
and act it out
Do a cook out
Bring nourishments
Play the songs in your voice 
Make a mini festival
After all it can be
a street performance
Your stage will be as big
As many actors there are 

Capture this moment
join in or youtube it
After all history is made
by the people
the "rakyat"

So if you want to repost this
by all means go ahead
And tag as many as you like
In your FB note

FB= social network = voice = action = change

We would like to announce that there are rallies confirmed in more countries:

1. Korea
Date : 9 July 2011
Time : 3.00pm
Venue : Malaysian High Commission, 4-1 Hannam-dong, 140-210, Seoul

2. Australia
Date : 9 July 2011
Time : 12.00pm
Venue : Malaysian Consulate in Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney (simultaneous)

3. Japan
Date: 9 July 2011
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Tower of the Sun, Osaka

4. USA
a. Los Angeles
Date: 9 July 2011
Time: 10.00am
Venue: Consulate General of Malaysia, 550 South Hope Street, Suite 400, Los Angeles

b. San Francisco
Date: 9 July 2011
Time: 9.30am
Venue: Chrissy Field Picnic Area, Presidio, San Francisco

c. New York City
Date: 9 July 2011
Time: 10.00am
Venue: Consulate General of Malaysia, 313 East 43rd Street, New York

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Berlin Wall

by Paik Yin on Thursday, 22 April 2010 at 03:00
Posted in Facebook sometime back. Sharing with you all

Papa is watching the 8 o’clock news. Impatiently and sullenly I watch the clock tick by, intently willing the long hand of the clock to click to the number 6. McGuyver comes on at 8:30 tonight. A loud cheer catches my right corner, disrupting my slouchy musings. There is an electric excitement blaring from the news. Party? I watch the images flicker. I don’t know what’s going on but I know I’m witnessing something important.

Today there is another image search for the Fall of the Berlin Wall. The 2nd time in the last 3 months and again looking through the images, I feel the pricking of tears just waiting to break through. 

Damn! Shit ! I can’t cry in the office. 
Being separated by a wall just feels all too fragile.
A woman in the passenger seat, face buried in her hands covered with tears.
An old man radiating with joy as he takes his first few step across the border arms raised.
A child’s fingers wrapped around a pick axe, pounding into the wall, enthusiastically joining in the festivities. 

Families separated by a wall. 
Friends separated by a wall. 
People separated by a wall. 
A country separated by a wall.

In a micro scale, a symbolic object applies to me too. I’ve always felt uncomfortable with my emotions. Too overtly control on the outside as I befuddled with what to do with my feelings inside. Detaching and unhooking my interior, afraid of giving emotions the full reign to flow as it seems destructive. 

Realization came about that I just have to let my feelings go as they please within. Accepting the emotions just as it is for the moment neither telling myself nor judging if it’s good/bad, right/wrong. To just be. 

To just be.

I hesitate last night to write about my experience yesterday because it was about you. I am my worst critic. I don’t want to be lame or desperate, overtly concern with validation from other people and constantly seeking for security. I claim I Love You, I claim I Love Him, I claim I Love Myself. 

I haven’t had closure from you. Is it needed? At this point of time, yes only I denied it before. I understand now what you mean when you said to just let it in. People touch me emotionally and working in the office has shown me that avoiding or dismissing is just another form of running away.

I have to deal with it.
Stop barricading with fear and mistrust.
It’s time to bring down the Berlin Wall.